In this calamity-filled installment of The Acc and Jack Show, Chris Acciardi, Jack Gill, and Zach Ward discuss their favorite anime, and George Santos’ history of alternative facts.
- Acc is never prepared for the Grand Theft Auto pedestrian sound effects in the show’s opener
- Jack and Zach can’t get around clean-shaven Acc
- The Room is considered one of the worst films ever made, and Zach has never watched it
- Jack introduces Acc and Zach to Otaku Sekai, a local store in Auburn, Mass. for anime enthusiasts
- Acc, Jack, and Zach discuss at length their favorite anime, from classic to modern, and from obscure to mainstream
- Republican House representative George Santos is discussed at length, including his history of fabrication, and drag performances
- Mitch McConnell should join OnlyFans, says Jack
- When washed-up child actresses bounce back and have career revivals
The Acc and Jack Show is part of the Hardly Focused podcast feed! Don’t forget to subscribe to the show on your favorite podcast app, and on YouTube. Thanks for listening!