Kick off 2023 with a new installment of The Acc and Jack Show, presented by your friends at Hardly Focused! In this episode, Acc and Jack yap at each other about:
- Celebrating New Year’s Eve as a thirtysomething, where sleeping is the preferable choice
- The annual Three Stooges marathon on TV38 in Boston, or lack thereof
- New Year’s Eve on Nickelodeon in the 90s, which was better than anything CNN could conjure up
- CNN’s New Year’s broadcast, which completely missed the midnight ball drop
- The Damar Hamlin incident, including his recovery
- Video games, including Jack’s fancy-yet-unused gaming PC, The Witcher, the pros and cons of cloud saving, and the unnecessary annual sports games
- Kevin McCarthy, and his many attempts at becoming the Speaker of the House of Representatives
There’s a whole lot of Hardly Focused and The Acc and Jack Show planned for 2023! Get each new installment by subscribing on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or your favorite podcast app. Don’t forget about the visual component on the Hardly Focused YouTube channel!