In this installment of The Acc and Jack Show, Chris Acciardi and Jack Gill discuss James Cameron’s thoughts on AI, Travis King’s trip into North Korea, Yeonmi Park’s alternative facts, and more!
- Acc reminds Jack of the Amy’s Baking Company debacle from 2013. Remember that?
- It’s 2023 and bad AAA video games like The Lord of the Rings: Gollum are still being released.
- James Cameron warned everyone in 1984 about the dangers of artificial intelligence!
- Travis King vacations in North Korea, while Lord Miles vacations in Afghanistan. Neither of these are going to end well.
- Acc and Jack learn during recording that famed computer hacker Kevin Mitnick passed away.
- North Korean defector Yeonmi Park has a lot of say about her homeland, some of which might actually be true.