In this installment of Hardly Focused, Mike and Jack discuss musicals, the Avatar films, the 2023 Grammy’s, and the 3rd episode of The Last of Us on HBO.
- Mike is present after venturing to New York City to see SIX on Broadway with his wife. Jack has some… interesting ideas for how select scenes in the musical should be carried out.
- After determining that James Cameron is the most bankable director in Hollywood, Mike and Jack discuss the Avatar films along with the seemingly-never-ending 3D craze.
- Jack recaps for Mike the 2023 Grammy’s. Jack thinks ABBA’s Voyage should have won in any of the categories for which it was nominated.
- Sam Smith’s performance at the Grammy’s is condemned by conservatives for inciting a vaccine-fueled Satanic panic.
- The internet is upset because 33 Grammy awards apparently aren’t enough for BeyoncĂ©.
- Comedian Randy Rainbow attempts to present a Grammy to the composer of the soundtrack to Assassin’s Creed Valhalla: Dawn of Ragnarok, only to end up doing his best impersonation of John Travolta.
- SPOILER WARNING: Mike and Jack discuss The Last of Us on HBO, particularly the emotionally devastating third episode of the series.
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