Strap in for a new installment of Hardly Focused presents “Hardly Focused,” starring Mike Tarara and featuring Jack Gill!
- If ever he feels like he’s failing, Jack remembers that David Lee Roth once hosted a syndicated morning radio show for 4 months.
- Mike and Jack recap their holidays, with a significant reduction in décor this time around.
- Do you have a favorite show on Netflix? Chances are it will be canceled after 1 season, just like “1899” was and “That 90s Show” inevitably will be.
- Language-dubbed entertainment versus subtitled – which is better?
- “The Last of Us” series reviews are out, and they’re very positive.
- Mike remembers how emotionally impactful the trailers were for Dead Island and Halo 3.
- Is “Andor” the best installment in the Star Wars franchise?
- Mike and Jack discuss the troubling story out of Newport News, Virginia, where a 6-year-old shot their teacher. Should the parents be charged and held accountable?
- Boston Calling’s 2023 lineup is revealed, with Foo Fighters headlining!
Don’t forget to subscribe to Hardly Focused on your favorite podcast app, and on YouTube! Thanks for stopping by.